Matt and Dylan went to the zoo (with Nicki, Dave, and Livie) and to the natural history museum (with Elan, Debbie, Julian, and Sidney) in the same day. They saw live animals at the zoo, followed by dead animals at the museum. The dead animals were a little anticlimactic, after the live animals.
Friday, August 13, 2010

'They enforced their live strength with the power of dead things. Dead things did their
Jack London,
White Fang.
'I just imagine him sitting up there under a sea of papers and occasionally pulling one
from the bottom of a stack
(probably with a week-old donut smushed in the middle of the stack somewhere) and thinking "ah yes... I ought to do something about
'The U.S. is such an underdog now, I'm obliged to support it.'
Rich Kuziara,
Brick Lane, 7 March 2008.
'Having an infant is largely sleep deprivation combined with janitorial duties. Sort of like
being in a Vietnamese prison
Bryce Forney
Previous Posts
'The female accepts a male who keeps up adequately during the dance, and rejects one
who does not. The female is,
therefore, extremely discriminating; in contrast, a male will dance with and attempt to mount a blob of wax on the end of a bristle, moved in an
appropriate side-to-side
manner and then held still.'
John Maynard Smith,
The Evolution of Sex.