The Phelpses in London and elsewhere.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Clerk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long day. Great guerrila editing.

9:12 pm

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

Thanks. Did you notice that Wintersmith was included?

7:51 am

Blogger Unknown said...

Great video. But why on earth would Clare think you mess around at the weekends rather than decorate your house? ;-)

7:44 pm

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

I have no idea.

8:26 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know only that Wintersmith is a Pratchett novel, but wouldn't recognize him (it) in video. What am I looking for?

6:26 am

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

Not looking for but listening to - the high-pitched strange (possibly Irish or Scottish) voice passing the boats and the church. It is Yorik from Black Adder reading Wintersmith.

11:12 am


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