The Phelpses in London and elsewhere.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Last Saturday our family walked near Newbury on our way to Dave's birthday celebration. That night we had dinner and stayed in a nice hotel. The following morning we walked along a canal near Reading. It was a good weekend.

Clare has been watching a television programme called 'X-Factor'. She fancies Simon Cowell.

Matt will explain the cricket: 'The World Cricket Series, a sporting event steeped in tradition, is sometimes called "the Ashes", after the ash trees that surround the stadium. Earlier references were to the volcanic ashes that fell upon the first match, in the year 1066. The present Series is especially nail-biting, with London and Sydney tied at three games each. Most of the games have gone into extra innings. In Game Six the London pitcher Larry Flintoff was named MVP for hitting a home run. The final game is Thursday. Go Australia!'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware the dreaded Banana-thwacker!

10:38 pm

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

Please refer to the picture of Flintoff as a child.

11:08 pm


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