The Phelpses in London and elsewhere.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Pat and Diane Phelps: In order to hear Matt and Clare's Thanksgiving message, please click HERE.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

single tear.

PS-> does it concern anyone else that a video of Matt's naked baby butt has been viewed over 400 times? Should I remove the video?

9:05 am

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

Please don't. Or, if you do, then please let me know, because I put a link to it on this blog, and I would hate to have a dead link. It must have taken you a very long time to edit that video. Thanks.

7:06 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It took about 30 minutes. It's really very lightly edited. I intend ultimately to have the whole collection available digitally, edited only for bad pans, low light, shaky cam, long unpeopled scenes, etc.

9:26 pm


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