The Phelpses in London and elsewhere.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

We went into the Guildhall today. We were the only people inside.

Sunshine on our way to the Guildhall.

Clare uses her powers of mind to bend St Paul's Cathedral.

St Paul's put straight again.

The Guildhall.

The Vlog


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Therapy video highlights?

Non sequitur tournament winner? me out

12:59 am

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

Just bored and wanting to see if anyone would notice. Thanks for noticing.

Most of the latter half is about when Jimmy Liebich found a bug in the crosswalk near Susannah Park.

8:39 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't heard the name Jimmy Liebich in forever. What ever happed to that guy?

7:45 pm

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

The last I heard, he had a girlfriend and was studying political science at graduate level. That was many years ago.

8:01 pm


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