The Phelpses in London and elsewhere.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our new car purchased from Joanna


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the car - looks brand new - has Matt driven it?

9:32 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:18 pm

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

I have not driven it. It seems like a nice car, though.

7:08 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt is insured on it so will be able to drive it but needs to take some lessons first. I deliberately took a picture of the side without the dents in:) It's a pretty good car though - we are really happy with it.

11:43 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the make of the car?

5:34 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a Hyundai Amica

6:41 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks great!

5:07 am


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