The Phelpses in London and elsewhere.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Every day on his bicycle Matt passes an older man walking a dog. Lately the man has been saying 'Good morning' to Matt. This morning, the man went a step further by saying, 'Good morning. Terrible weather'. Even though Matt has been in England so many years, he made a cultural mistake. He had been thinking about how important it is to engage with one's environment, to socialise. And he was excited, and did not want to reject the man's friendly effort. So he answered, 'Yes, the snow covered the road yesterday'. Of course the man appeared disgusted by Matt's answer, much as though Matt had asked to see the man's underpants. The problem was that Matt had mentioned a road. The road has nothing to do with the weather. It is much too personal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time, say, "Yes, the cold makes my bicycle shorts chafe. What, kind sir, should I do?"

12:39 am

Blogger Unknown said...

Honestly, you Americans disgust me with your over-familiar ways. He was only saying hello, keeping you nicely at arms length and yet you come in and try to engage him in conversation. You will have upset his condition for the rest of his day.

The correct answer, of course, was "Yes, terrible weather".

8:48 am

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

I knew the right answer, even as I was saying the wrong thing.

8:51 pm

Blogger Caroline said...

Will you be taking a different route now?

6:10 pm

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

No, I saw him yesterday morning, only now we're back to simple 'Good morning' again. Months of work and I undid it.

8:14 pm


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