The Phelpses in London and elsewhere.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Adrian in Trent Park on Boxing Day.

Clare almost six months pregnant on Christmas Day, on the telephone in London to Karen Phelps in Oregon.

Adrian and Mike on Boxing Day.

Ruta, Adrian, and Diana on Boxing Day.


Blogger Karen said...

Nice bump, Clare!

And you forgot to mention the doggie in the last picture. ;)

5:33 pm

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

You're right about the dog (or 'boy' as Diana calls him): I forgot to mention him in the caption. Both dogs were very good over Christmas.

3:52 pm

Blogger Three Feet said...

How exciting! Little Joe is getting bigger and bigger! We will need to catch up soon.


10:10 pm

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

Yes, it seems like a long time since we saw each other. Let's plan something soon. We're a bit boring lately - maybe a weekend night at the pub?

9:47 pm


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