The Phelpses in London and elsewhere.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Julia Watt, Rachel Clarke, and Clare.

Joe and Rachel Clarke.

Rachel and Milly.

Matt and Clare.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool tie. Pink is the new white I'm told.

5:34 pm

Blogger Matthew Phelps said...

Clare got it for £4 at Marks & Spencer, a reasonably posh shop, whereas Ben, who was also at the wedding, got his for £10 at Burton's, which is more like J.C. Penny's! So Clare did well. Lots of people at the wedding had the same pink tie: I saw about five or six in total.

You probably remember Rachel as she was one of Clare's bridesmaids. Her wedding was a high class affair - even if we all wore silly ties.

9:32 pm


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