The Phelpses in London and elsewhere.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dylan Phelps, born 20 April 2008.

For more photos of Dylan, click here or above.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's beautiful! He looks very awake and alert. (Probably more so than poor Clare.) So... no rush on the whole name thing...

11:37 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So cute! Cant waitto meet him! Congratulations xxx

9:03 am

Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations! For a "Jupiter" he looks smaller than I'd imagined...

6:53 pm

Blogger Three Feet said...

How wonderful! I love him!

9:39 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inside sources have revealed his name to be Dylan. I am awaiting official confirmation. But if that's true, it's the most awesome name! Hi Dylan! Welcome!

5:02 pm

Blogger Kaye said...

Absolutely gorgeous - congratulations to you both! And welcome to the world baby Dylan aka 'Jupiter' - can't wait to meet you!

Clare - hope you're well!

6:39 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations - can't wait to meet baby Jupiter/Dylan!

Clare - hope all is well.

4:21 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Matt and Clare. He is very handsome. Can't wait to see him in person. I'll even change his nappies.

5:13 pm

Blogger Rich said...

Who's that calling me Dylan again? Daddy says that my name is Jupiter!!!

Catch you soon bib guy!!!

10:30 pm

Blogger Rich said...

Who's that calling me Dylan again? Daddy says that my name is Jupiter!!!

Catch up soon bib guy :)

10:30 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a test for Peter, to check access to comments on Matt and Clare's blog.

8:42 pm


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